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MAOS Constitution


1. The Society shall be called "Marlow Amateur Operatic Society" and also shortened to “MAOS”.


2. The objects of the Society are:

a. The study of all forms of Music and Musical Entertainment and particularly

Musical Theatre;

b. The encouragement of Public Appreciation of Music by promoting and providing

all forms of Musical Entertainment for the Public and particularly Musical Theatre;


3. The Society is not established or conducted for profit and no member of the Society shall participate in the profits, which may from time to time accrue to the Society.



a. The members shall be at liberty to elect a President of the Society annually at the Annual General Meeting.

b. The Officers of the Society shall be a Chairman, a Secretary, an Assistant Secretary, a Treasurer and a Business Manager, elected annually at the Annual General Meeting.


5. The Management of the Society shall be undertaken by a General Committee comprising the Officers of the Society and three or more additional members elected annually at the Annual General Meeting. The Committee shall meet as necessary and five shall form a quorum. The Committee shall have the power to fill casual vacancies and to co-opt such assistance, as it deems necessary.


6. The General Committee shall appoint a Musical Director or Directors and a Producer or Producers as soon as possible after each Annual General Meeting of the Society or at such other times as may be expedient. The General Committee shall have the power to fix the remuneration, if any, of such Musical Directors and Producers and to dismiss any person appointed under this rule whenever it thinks proper. Any person appointed in accordance with this rule shall, unless previously vacating office, automatically retire on the date of the Annual General Meeting next following his or her appointment.


7. Any person desiring to become a member of the Society shall:


a. Be proposed and seconded by members of the Society;

b. At the discretion of the General Committee, submit to an audition;

c. Be elected by a majority of those present at a meeting of the General Committee

d. The General Committee shall have the power to expel any member for conduct it considers prejudicial to the interests of the Society, but only after the member has been given an opportunity of personally stating his or her case to the Committee.

e. The General Committee shall have the power to require existing members to submit to further auditions in order to qualify for continuing membership

f. The General Committee shall have the power to elect a person or persons to Honorary Life Membership of the Society


8. The Society's financial year-end shall be 15th June.



a. The Annual Subscription shall be fixed at the Annual General Meeting and shall be payable on the date of the first rehearsal in each financial year

b. Any person whose subscription is more than two months in arrears shall, at the discretion of the General Committee, forfeit membership of the Society


10. The Assets of the Society shall be vested in one or more of the following persons: the Chairman, Secretary, Assistant Secretary, Treasurer and Business Manager for the time being; the General Committee shall decide in which of the foregoing persons the assets shall be vested.


11. The net income of the Society shall, with the approval of the members in General Meeting, be applied in the following manner:

a. the setting aside or payment of such monies for the furtherance of the Society's aims and objectives.

b. distribution to local or national charities


12. In the event of dissolution, the surplus assets of the Society remaining after payment of costs and expenses of such dissolution and after the discharge of the Society's liabilities, shall be devoted to objects similar to those of the Society or to other purposes approved by the Commissioners of Customs and Excise. The manner in which such surplus Assets are to be distributed and the recipients thereof shall be decided by the General Committee who will submit its proposals to the Commissioners of Customs and Excise for their approval before distribution is made.


13. A General Meeting of members, to be called the Annual General Meeting, shall be held each year between the Society's financial year-end and 31st August.


14. Extraordinary General Meetings may be called;

a. at the discretion of the General Committee; or

b. at the written request of not fewer than five members, addressed to the Secretary, such request stating the purposes for which the meeting is required.


15. Notice convening a General Meeting shall be given to members in writing, not less than seven days before the date of the meeting.


16. Nine members personally present shall form a quorum at a General Meeting.


17. The Accounts of the Society shall be examined once every year by an Examiner or Examiners elected at the Annual General Meeting. No member of the General Committee shall be eligible for election as Examiner.


18. Any alteration or addition to these Rules shall be made only at an Annual General Meeting of members and not less than seven days’ notice of the motion shall be given to members.


Last revised 26.06.2014 at AGM

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